Before a trip to Japan in 2004 a then nobody but now famous blogger (pictured here before her glory) said to me, "Matt, if you are going to overseas you should start a blog. You're funny, always meet people, and seem to find the best hidden spots. You can be a travel writer and see the world". It seemed interesting and the word "blog" was catchy so I bit the bait, "whats a blog?". "A blog is a place on the internet where you can share your entire life with everyone in the world - kind of like a diary". My reply - "fuck that - that's dumb. Diaries are private and come with locks for a reason". She spent the next 15 mins yammering about things like "social media, connecting, everything's changing, its the future, blah blah blah" I tuned her out and sat for 5 years blogless. Today I sit and read my now famous blogger friend (who is way less interesting - just an early adopter) travel the world and get featured on CNN on someone elses dime. When she types her fingers make people money and her life is easy (excluding public transportation in certain cities).
I have given in. We live in public and my business partner is forcing me to start a blog for our online media. Maybe millions of people are interested in me or maybe my parents will be the only ones who care. None the less, I sit in a coffee shop in San Francisco with 14 other people all working on MacBooks, listening to punk music from the 80's.
Oh, and about my blogger friend. I am not going to mention her name until she gives me some love on CNN.
P.S. I am going to try and upload a video from YouTube of The Nook. Why? To see if I can figure this out.
I'm boring? *sigh* Welcome to the 21st century. Happy blogging!