This is Rachel and she's my friend. Well, let me clarify, she is an "in person" friend but not yet a friend who follows my blog. However, she is a Friend on Facebook and I feel certain if Rachel had Twitter we would follow each other so that makes us pretty close. Here we are pictured in plain-clothes holding a balloon on her scooter (mine is in the shop). Rachel makes a terrific friend for many reasons:
1) Her last name is Jean-Pierre which is wildly fun to say.
2) She is pretty tall but to accentuate her glory Rachel's mom asked her to stand
out by wearing high heels so now she is amazon height.
3) When she sings "Man In the Mirror" at late night karaoke there is not a dry eye in the room.
4) She is my back up in our scooter gang.
#4 is very important and before you laugh I need you to understand scooter gangs are a very risky business. Sure, we all have to act "urban" and "yuppie" but underneath it all we are actually dark souls. The streets are filled with us. We appear to carelessly sit perfectly positioned upright with blissful smiles on our face but in fact we are pretty bad ass. Plus we are trained ninjas - its a requirement for our gang for various reasons. Rachel is a WAY better ninja then I am. Its a fact, Rachel is my backup and I am her bitch. Here we are pictured.

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