No one really likes being sick. Well, let me take that back, there are those insane Munchausen people who actually like ailing but not me. There is not a day in my life where I don't think to myself "I hope I don't get sick from touching that __________ (fill in any number of words here money/counter top/rim of the glass/public restroom)". I have this neurosis because of my mom whom I think may have Munchausen By Proxy Syndrome, a disorder that forces other people to think they are sick. My sister and I worry about illness because there has never been a conversation with my mom that did not include all or some of the following statements, "Are you sure you are feeling well", "you look depressed", "you will never guess who died", or "That will make you sick".
Yesterday God smited me and I have been sitting in a Park Slope coffee shop all day wondering what I did to deserve God's blatant smite. You see, I am pretty sure the girl sitting next to me on the plane ride to NYC gave me Swine Flu. It's true, I can feel H1N1 divide in my body as I type this and I am quite anxious about the whole thing. I clicked WebMD on my toolbar and it says I have to wait up to 7 days for incubation.
I took this video of the girl on the airplane and for 4 hours all I could do is sit and wonder why she got on the airplane. Why? Why would she touch the arm rests I shared with her? Why? This lady was seriously sick. At mid-flight the attendant called for a doctor who ended up laying her out of the floor. When we landed she was escorted off the plane by a stretcher. I am truly sorry she is sick and I hope she is ok. However, the lesson in this whole story is DO NOT get on an airplane if you have Swine Flu. Its not fair to the 200 other people who are sharing the air with you.
There was a sign when I got on the plane that specifically stated, "if you think you have Swine Flu don't board the flight". Its in all the airports. I attached the picture of the sign at JFK.
I see some things never change Matt. Remember when you had ebola? That was a rough one....
ReplyDeletemaybe she was just wickedly hungover??